Pediatric Speech Therapy Services

Ages 18 months to 18 years

Currently Serving Tucson, Arizona

Accepting ESA and Self-Pay

Book an Evaluation Today!

What Is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is a type of therapy that focuses on the ability to communicate. This includes several modalities including sign language, gestures, sounds, words, phrases, sentences and conversation.


You should book an evaluation if any of the following apply to your child:


What Is Included In Speech Therapy?


Clarity of Speech

Receptive Language

Information that is understood

Expressive Language

Language that comes out


Thought processes, decision making skills, problem solving, and reasoning.

Executive Functioning

Working memory and cognitive flexibility


Social skills

Book an evaluation now!

About Me

My name is Miss Nicole and I am a practicing SLP in Tucson, Arizona. I have been working as a pediatric SLP since 2018. I love helping others, especially kids! I am an Arizona native and I enjoy spending time with my husband and my two dogs. I graduated from The University of Arizona with my bachelor’s degree and Arizona State University with my master’s degree. I look forward to helping you and your family with all of your communication needs! 

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